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Learn More About What We Do



‘To contribute to economic growth through enhancing the education, skills and employability of all our clients’ 


Impact Training is dedicated to providing high quality training opportunities so as to effect positive change in the lives of our learners by equipping them with the skills and values needed to reach their full potential and meet the demands of employers across our communities.’ 

Impact Training was founded in 1978 as Crumlin Road Opportunities Ltd in response to serious unemployment problems in North and West Belfast in the 1970s. Originally located at Hillview Trade Centre on the Crumlin Road, and now at Lanark Way between the Shankill and Springfield Roads, Impact was one of the first community based training organisations established in Northern Ireland and continues to be very much an integral part of the wider community within the Greater Shankill area and beyond.  The relocation to the current premises at Lanark Way has seen the provision grow and grow and service to the community develop and thrive, the organisation has gone from strength to strength, currently operating from both its primary premises in Lanark Way and the Job Assist Centre on the Shankill Road.   

Impact currently offers a range of programmes on behalf of the Department for the Economy and UK Shared prosperity Fund: 


  • Skills for Life & Work – for young people aged 16 to 18 (or up to 24 if they require additional support), providing skills, vocational training, essential skills, personal development and employability with a view to increasing confidence and supporting pathways to employment.   


  • Apprenticeships21– providing new or current employees of all ages with the opportunity to study while working and enhance their career progression pathway by becoming fully trained and qualified in their chosen occupation area.  


  • Belfast Works Connect - which seeks to assist the economically inactive to overcome the barriers which prevent them from enhancing their skills, community interaction and reducing levels of isolation by interacting in developmental and training projects with a view to finding or keeping work.  It is available to people living in areas of high unemployment and on a referral or outreach basis to those who face a significant employability barrier such as homelessness, ex-offenders/prisoners, drug or alcohol misuse, etc.  

Impact Training NI About Us Section
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