Broadbase Pathway
This is a delivery model that is unique to Impact Training. It is based around the fact that many school leavers are unsure about the direction they want their career to take. Broadbase gives you more time and space to make informed choices through your experiences on the programme. It is a flexible pathway that responds to the needs of the learner when they are ready to make the right choice for them.
Through our delivery model, you will enter a Foundation Programme and on attainment of the targets therein, you will advance to a Progression Programme. In the Foundation Programme, for a Broadbase pathway, you will choose 3 vocational qualifications and work towards qualifications in each. When you are ready to make a definite decision, you can specialise through a transfer window and then commit to the vocational area that is best for you.
During the programme you will focus on skills development in each your vocational area leading to attainment of a number of L1 or L2 qualifications. You will also develop employability skills as you prepare for work placement and become more away of the career demands in your sector.
On achievement of the targets in the Foundation Programme you must specialise and advance to the Progression Programme and undertake higher levels of qualification in your vocational area in line with the Apprenticeship qualifications.
Our goal is to support you into Employment, on Apprenticeship or into Higher Education.

While on the programme you will:
∙ Have the opportunity to gain up to 4 vocational qualifications depending on your entry pathway as well as Essential Skills in Communication, Application of Number and ICT up to Level 2;
∙ Receive a £40 per week Educational Maintenance Allowance (based on attendance). Please note that if your parent(s)/guardian(s) receive Universal Credit, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Income Support, means tested Job Seeker’s Allowance or Housing Benefit, that benefit will not be affected by the EMA. Your parent(s)/guardian(s) will also be entitled to receive Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit provided all other conditions for the receipt of the benefits are met.
∙ Receive bonus payments as you complete various stages of your training which will total up to £360 across the programme.
∙ Receive help with travel expenses and childcare costs, depending on your circumstances;
∙ Have 35 paid days for holidays per year.
We have a wide curriculum offer so that you can gain experiences and acquire skills beyond that of your classroom and vocational subjects. Events and activities will be planned throughout the year to widen your horizons and broaden your experiences. These will increase your awareness and challenge your perceptions and will be included in the EVOLVE project, Youth Work programmes and events arranged by your tutors. Events will centre around:
Social & Cultural Awareness
Health & Wellbeing
Careers Information & Employability Skills
World of Work Activities & Vocational Enrichment
Work Experience and Work Sampling
Recreation, Sport and Creativity
Personal Development
Life Skills
Wrap around support is very important at Impact Training. We recognise the challenges that many of our young clients face and we have a range of services available to help you through and overcome the barriers. These include:
All learners will have a dedicated Primary Contact;
Mentoring & pastoral support at the point of need;
Specialist support with disabilities;
Careers guidance and support from the Employer Engagement Team;
Leaver support through the Apprenticeship Co-Ordinator and the Employment Academy;
In-programme support from the Attendance Officer and Retention Officer;
The Youth Work team;
Additional Learning Support;
Make an Impact.
We are here to make your experience a positive one and help you to fulfil all of your aspirations and more.

Connect with Impact Training NI! Whether you're seeking innovative training solutions or looking for expert guidance to elevate your team’s skills, we're here to make a difference.
Drop us a message, give us a call, or visit our office, and let's work together to create impactful learning experiences tailored just for you.
Maximising Potential with Impact Training NI begins with a single step - and we're excited to take it with you!